19:00 p.m. - 2003-02-10
You�ve Touched My Soul�

You�ve Touched My Soul�

The past couple of days, I�ve been pleasantly awakened�by a complete stranger.

I am not referring to the type of awakening which is generally used, in the same sense, of being vigorously roused from a sleep induced slumber. Rather a serene, gentle yet purposeful awakening of both my soul and my spirit.

On my side of our sharing, I feel liberated, light, and exceptionally free.

A myriad of our shared phraseologies are dancing up and down the thresholds of my mind.

I feel as if someone has opened the very window, which allowed the alternating warm and cool gentle breezes of spring to waft upon me, as I swing blissfully in a hammock below. Not a care in the world.

If you look closely you may be able to discern the expression upon my visage as a smile.

I smile, because I know, that I know, that I know.

Thank you my kindred Spirit.

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