11:00 a.m. - 2003-07-24
Skinny Neck

I had an opportunity to speak with a female colleague - a rarity in the male dominated technical center. In the middle of our conversation which was about my educational pursuits she grabbed my neck and said �Your neck is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo skinny. What on Earth have you been doing? Your neck was way fatter last year.

I took a moment to try to figure out if she was giving me a compliment, or in need of a fatter lip. I decided to go with compliment.

Not being as gracious as I�d like in accepting compliments, I simply smiled, took a deep breath and said �Thank you.�

She made maybe 2 other comments about work, told me to �hang in there� then we parted ways.

While returning to my cube I could not help but think �a skinny neck?�

First of all, is my weight loss that apparent?

Second of all, is she pulling my leg or what?

Third of all, I�m not going to go back and ask her because it was difficult enough to be told I had a fat neck, then to hear my neck is soooooooo skinny all I could conjure was images of Florida Blue Herons.

I decided I�d try to be happy with the compliment no matter how back handed it sounded.

I�m a loser (weight loss loser; not the self deprecating kind), and that�s exactly what I�d planned.
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