10:42 a.m. - 2002-12-27


I�ve got some things on my mind. I am trying to organize my thoughts, goals and dreams into a sensible plan of action, for 2003. Years ago, I stopped making New Years Resolutions. In the place of my resolutions, I enact my �annual plan�. As the days remaining in 2002 draw to a close, my mind is in full swing ruminating ideas non stop � this mental grinding process can make sleep difficult and elusive.

Last night, I spent some time quality time, with my favorite Aunt - I call her Auntie (original I know - don�t hate me). We sat down to exchange gifts [I was out the night before, until midnight, eating, visiting, gift giving and partaking of champagne with my girls � and networking, Yes, I honestly was networking, in the hopes of securing some future gigs]. Auntie didn�t want me out, especially when she learned I had to report to work, in the a.m. Anyhoo, we talked girl talk, laughed and I ate some of the best curry chicken with rice, channa [read: garbanzo beans] and carrots. Since she�d promised me her special home made potato salad since June, I had a hearty portion of that as well. To finish up, I had a thin slice of her home made Italian cake with black walnuts. Talk about a meal fit for a queen! I noticed she and Uncle Calvin had opened the bar, I resisted making myself a drink. I did have to drive home in a few, and I had L at home waiting to have a night cap.

Once I arrived home, I phoned to say that I�d arrived safe and sound. I then began preparing for bed, my mind continued swirling around my goals and my plan. I tried to distract myself by playing India Arie�s CD, it didn�t work, but India did manage to relax me. I was talking with Mister G earlier on IM, we both agreed that India makes �feel good music�. The meal I�d eaten coupled with her melodic voice created the perfect mood for slumber.

Later during the night I found myself tossing and turning. After all that activity, I found myself awake several times. What I could remember of my dreams, related to me accomplishing my future goals. In my dreams, I had met a bunch of people, whom I don�t know IRL, (in real life), and I appeared to be successful. I suppose the success and feeling of accomplishment carried over, I awoke this morning rested and content. It was as if a peaceful calm had come over me.

If only I can hold-on to this contentedness.

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