5:21 p.m. - 2004-10-30

Today while at the bank I saw the following quote...

"Just don't give up on trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration I don't think you can go wrong."

-Ella Fitzgerald

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That quote and the telephone call I had with my father personify what my life has been these past couple months.

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Congrats M & N!...
My younger brother got married today in the United Kingdom. My dad wept. I know he wishes he could've been there for the ceremony but for various reasons he could not. I just hope dad can forgive himself for having missed out on the momentous occasion.

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Congrats J & D!...
My younger sister got married the day after my birthday (shame on me for forgetting to even mention it), that just leaves me and my niece (she's only 5 years old mind you) unmarried...I told dad not to hold his breath, the combination of crying and holding one's breath can be hazardous to one's health right?!...

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I'm off to get some sleep. Worked 17 hours yesterday and my feet are hurting to the point where my ears are ringing a little bit.


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