4:33 p.m. - 2004-04-17

Potato Salad Alert!

I made a call to �Auntie� to check in.

It�s been 6 months since I�ve heard her voice.

Now before you get ready to slam me, understand that I did send her a Valentine�s Day card. She mentioned it and thanked me. She�s very sweet like that.

Once I heard her voice I couldn�t hold back the smile creeping across my face.

Auntie dislikes it when I talk on the cell and drive. In an attempt to bamboozle her I turned the radio off. I know, that She still knows what I�m doing. So�Who(m) am I really trying to fool? And why did I do THAT?

Just immature and simple of me, to think I could actually fool Auntie.

NO Body fools Auntie, and I mean NO BODY!

* * *

The first 11 of 14 days of April were filled with rain and gray skies.

Trust I aint� riffin we needed that water.

Today it is 81 and sunny. There is no breeze to be had.

I wish I could tell you how g-o-o-o-o-o-o-d it felt to be bathed and stroked by the sun�s rays.

Right now, I�m thinking of Miami, sans *him*.

no matter what its all love. word is bond, it really is.

* * *

Econ class this morning was cool. I�m am starting to understand my Professors for real. The connex is *snap* *snap* there.

This is s-o-o-o COOL!

I can now say I�m close to being in �my zone�.

Harsh reality is that classes aren�t all about me.

In my mind they are.

So permit me to think as I think, and believe my fantasy is truly my reality.

What harm is there in that?

* * *


My highlights look stunnin�

It�s important to me - that every strand of hair be in place.

Have I told you how much I love Aveda Witch Hazel? Yeah uh I do. I love it.

Finally �good hair� days are here.

Uh, it�s nice to have �hair�.

I began missing my hair many months after my donation to locks of love.

This summer will be 1 year since the big �chop� and my locks are growing rapidly, thick and healthy.

Aveda�s natural color and tint makes my hair looks um um g-o-o-o-o-o-o-d!

In 8 wks. I�m going to get multi colored highlights and accents. This is going to be a 1st for me, but I�m stoked. Bonnie did this round of colors and I had her take the tint up 2 nothches, I love the way the raspberry has matured into a warm blonde-auburn. This is simply the best hair tint I�ve ever had! Ever ever.

* * *

Today driving with the sun beaming on the left side of my face, I thought about how good it would feel to come home to the embrace of a man who loved me from the bottoms of my feet to the top of my head.

I literally shook my head, in a feeble attempt to dispel that thought from my mind.

This thought returns to taunt and provoke me because I agreed to hang with J and let him hold me all night as we slept.

I am moderately intelligent, at least I thought I was.

Then if I�m some kind of smart, why did I do that?

Didn�t I know how difficult it would be to sleep solo?

Didn�t I know that I would hear his gentle exhales in my ears for DAYS afterwards?

Let�s not even talk about how I can smell HIM...a mixture of baby lotion, and baby powder, and let's not even talk about his cologne.

We are cool friends, we kick it from time to time, when he�s not getting on my last individual nerve, he asks my opinion on deep stuff and I can talk to him from a point of total honesty without having to mince words and preface my commentary.


If I were one of the older versions of myself, I�d be saying something foolish, lame and trite like �If he were this way or that, we�d be together.�

J and I are, what we are, we are what we are intended to be, and nothing more.

We are the way, we are meant to be, the way we were written to be.

�If this makes any sense�

Sense?!�what does it really matter?

I�m writing for a release.

I don�t have anyone to talk to anymore.

My favorite people are actively engaged in their respective lives.

Me?!�I�m pretending, fronting, acting, and trying to go about my life and give them the space, trying to understand and be mature and all that good grown up stuff.

Uh huh.

* * *

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