11:59 p.m. - 2004-04-16

The academic environ is such that, being back in school, I am not only learning, and *hopefully*, retaining course material, but I find that I am having a great many personal revelations.

Among them, I realized that I had this experience but didn't know what to call it, nor how to describe it. Truth is, in the past I'd been introduced to a tantric way of life by a certain Aries male .

Now that I know what "that" is/was all about, I understand (better), why I was emotionally *stuck* on him.

Healing and moving forward is a slow, yet step wise process.

MY TRUTH: Regression is not an option.

* * *

Academics ala Masters and Johnson style notwithstanding; tonight I learned tonight the 2 reasons America is in the Middle East ... according to my Sociology Prof...(1) to protect U.S. Interests, and (2) to ensure U.S. National Security. Dr. B broke it down further until he had every head in class nodding in full agreement.

No wo/man may know how this campaign will end, but what I can tell you;

is that World War III will be a war of Economic Power over Energy. Don't believe me?!....Stop and think on it.

Where are the sources of natural energy resources located?

Who has the money, technology and single greatest need for these resource(s)?

Who has the most influence, and longest, deepest running track record for "getting what they want"?

Scratching your head over the answers? ... Go take a look in the mirror, the answer; while shocking, is undeniably clear.

* * *

Sans smooth transition, bear with me, bitte schon.

I wondered...

Question: "How long before the Honey Moon is over?"

Answer: 78 days.

What am I doing in response to my unhappiness?

I'm looking...

* * *

I received a letter from school Wednesday, I made the Dean's List last term. *Yay* me.

* * *

Mindless Blather 101...

1. I paid one of my student loans in full.

2. I paid my State Tax in full.

3. I paid a prior year's Federal Tax debt in full.

4. I now have a savings acount with a respectable balance.

5. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel [on so many levels], and I KNOW in my heart of hearts, it is NOT a train!!!

Night night all. I must awaken in 4 hrs. 43 mins. - I have to attend Econ class).

* * *

Guten Abend!

P.S. I forgot to tell you that I watched "A Man Apart" and all I can say is *Vin* *Vin* *Vin* - there was this song during the 70's I don't know who sang it but the words went something like this:

More, more, m-o-r-e...

How do ya like it?

How do ya like it?

More, more, m-o-r-e...

Okay this time for real, Good Night ~ With visions of Sugar Plum *VIN*, dancing in my head...More, more, m-o-r-e...

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