16:18 p.m. - 2004-01-21

Today was my exit interview.

� hr was allotted. It took 18 minutes.

I prayed heavily on what I was going to say and how I was going to say it. In the end I got the answer I was looking for and conducted myself in the manner in which would be expected of a consummate professional.

The Lead HR Generalist stated that I would be welcomed back at my firm at any time. He is very sorry to see me go, and knows that more effort should have been expended to find a position for me.

That was a terrific gesture on his part.

For my 5.5 years worth of efforts I will have yet another stellar reference.

Tomorrow as of 1500hrs it�s a wrap. B said I could leave early b/c R is working my shift until 1800hrs.

Some could say that I punk�d out. I should�ve given them the blues and told everything. No point.

I could tell by B #2�s demeanor he knows what the deal is.

I am growing. I have learned and continue to learn.

All by the Grace.

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