9:47 p.m. - 2004-02-10
Learnin to Burn & More

At the risk of sounding �analog�, last night I learned how to burn a compilation cd, using R0xi0 5 Easy CD Creat0r.

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Work is going well. I�m still learning procedures and policies. Each day I do a new task. I sure hope I can remember to cross all the �I�s and dot all the �T�s the way they want me to.

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Yours truly received a $500 scholarship from the university�s educational fund. I�m one happy coed.

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New member class this past Saturday went well. I have 3 more classes to attend. I gave it some thought, and decided to volunteer to assist with the youth academic ministry, as a tutor. I figure academics is one of my natural talents. What better way to serve the Lord and encourage the young people?

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I am realizing that The Green Machine needs fog lamps installed. I drive to work at 0545 hrs. it is typically dark as pitch at this hour. Truth of the matter is, I don�t drive to the office, I feel my way along Interstate-270. Driving like that is nothing nice, trust me on that.

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Ever since I started my new job (been there 3 weeks as of today), my left eye has been twitching. The twitching lasts several seconds, and reoccurs many times throughout the day. Is there a doctor in the house?!...Seriously, does anyone have any ideas what is going on with my left eye? (Not to be confused with "The Left Eye" of TLC - mind you). MumW* says I need glasses b/c I abuse my eyes when I�m on the computer by working with no light or low lighting.

I wonder if I am aggravating my eyes in general or if this twitching is a result of not enough lighting. Or, if I�m staying awake for too many hours per day?�

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I purchased Valentine�s cards. I need to fill them out and place them in the post, like quick fast and in a hurry.

I don't have a Valentine this year. I received a call from my niece and nephews - they had to "remind" me that they are my permanent Valentines and that they give *GOOD* love, not the flakey I-love-you-today,-and-I-hate-you-tomorrow-type-of-love. That was enough to bring a smile to my face, and force me to put the notion of being Valentine-less aside. Children can be wonderful. That day, my niece and nephews got gold stars for making their old Auntie feel good. It's a tremendous feeling to be loved.

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School is going better. My Business Law grade continues to climb a notch or two at a time. Presently I have a �B� average. Am still working towards earning an �A�. We�ll have to wait and see.

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I�m going to close for now. It�s 2146hrs and I have to awaken at 0300hrs to exercise and study for school.

TTFN (ta ta f0r now).

Sweet dreams all, Hugs, Souljourn

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