10:32 p.m. - 2003-12-03
Good Vibrations

It used to be the jingle for Sunkist soda..."I'm picking up good vibrations." However today it best describes how I'm feeling.

I took the day off, had 3 interviews and I feel quite positive about the whole lot.

I can't provide details just yet, but I will once I have a bit more information.

Just know that the wheels are in motion and fairly soon 'souljourn' may just be working closer to home, for a better employer, and able to balance school, work and her personal life. (Correction: she'll get to have a personal life).

Until such time I'll be trying to deal with my work life one day at a time, despite the fact that I no longer have any desire to go to work.

I still have that cute lil jingle in my head.

...I'm picking up good vibrations...


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