11:11 p.m. - 2003-03-01
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Back on Track

I promised myself that I�d begin and continue to take better care of myself. This all started years ago, when I was an Undergrad co-ed. I can comfortably say I�ve done a decent job keeping my word.

I checked myself into the European Beaute� Spa, in Mitchellville, for paraffin treatments, a manicure and massage. To say that I emerged feeling like a new woman is true but its an understatement. I�d even go so far as to say I felt like a super heroine. Call me crazy, call me anything you want, but I can�t put a price on, nor adequately describe how important spa treatments are. Upon completion, I am revitalizing, invigorated, reenergized and healed�maybe even borderline euphoric.

They say �milk � it does a body good�pass it on�. I beg to differ. A day at the spa, does the body a whole l-o-t-t-a.

E and I got into a deep discussion about how addictive and beneficial massages are. (Mind you � I chose to speak from the perspective of �receiving� massages.) She chuckled and nodded intensely in agreement. Saturday, was the first time we�d met, yet I felt so genuinely connected to her. E can best be described as Earthy, confident, relaxed and warm spirited. Later I learned, she�d attended school at the BSM, when I mentioned that I attend their clinic every month, without fail she blessed me with a wide smile and proceeded to demonstrate her thorough comprehension of the Swedish Massage technique. E is one tough sister, with a touch that is just pure magic - I told her so too! Again she blessed me with that beautiful smile of hers. Ever had someone smile at you � and you swear you feel a warmth radiating from their direction? If you are nodding in the affirmative, that�s how the 2 smiles she shared with me, made me feel.

Later we discussed hot stone massages, Hawaiian techniques and Shiatsu. E doesn�t know it yet, but next month I�m signing up, for her to give me my first Hot Stone Massage. I�ve seen the technique administered on The Better Living Channel and I was intrigued to say the least.

Before my rebirth at the spa, I trained, completed chores and rested. I did spend a bit of time thinking, and mentally planning some travel, for this year as well as next year. It looks like I may have an opportunity to visit the Orient, India and Australia � Lord willing. It feels like several lifetimes ago when I last traveled. It�ll be great, indulging in one of my most favorite past times again.

It was a simple but great weekend.

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