12:00 p.m. - 2002-11-9
A Flurry of Activity

A Flurry of Activity

Today marks the first day that my blood sugar has me feeling, for lack of a better term, off kilter. I awoke feeling optimistic and energetic � typical for me. However my brimming positive vibe is accompanied by jitters and head pains. Not your ordinary head pains, but those pains, familiar, and haunting to those who suffer from, or with, migraines. Not one to be hampered, or held down/back by pain or discomfort, I ate breakfast with L, and proceeded to organize my life, my room and my chores. In between washing loads of laundry, I napped. I was in too much discomfort to listen to any of my CDs so in my quiet, dimly lit room I tried talking myself into thinking �positive thoughts�, and taking numerous slow, deep breaths. After a while, being still and deep breathing did help alleviate my symptoms. L made mention of my grey pallor, while I rested inertly. Somehow I have this logic process which tells me that if I�m still, and breathe carefully I�ll feel better. The fact that I felt better soon after, reinforces my belief in the validity of my logic process. I made a couple of jokes to make L feel better. Why? I believe him seeing me at less than 100% alarms him, far more greatly than it alarms me. You see, after so many years of terminal illness, I can comfortably say �I KNOW my body�. I know when to say �when�. Saturday was the day, for me to say �when�.

I�m pleased to report that while I did accomplish all that I wanted, truly the makings of a �happy day�, I had several more jitter episodes, accompanied by a racing heart, and the sensation of lightheadedness. I took several naps over the course of Saturday, and by day�s end was feeling somewhat more like my �old� self.

I made a mental note to watch myself closely on Sunday to see which of these symptoms persisted.
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