8:42 p.m. - 2004-12-20

I was the first applicant they interviewed and after a 30 minute meeting I nailed the job!

8 weeks of paid contract work in the city of Columbia, just minutes away from S and the kids - will be able to have dinner with them like once a week, and really be a good Auntie to her kids...

I was on top of the world S& D both said I kicked ass and they were proud of me. Now D wants me to do even better when I'm there so that we can get more associates into the company.

*sigh* My work is never done.

*Brushes shoulders off - ala Jay Z's Black Album*

I filled in for the D.C. office - T was in a jam, so off to Georgetowne to fill in with an "A" list client.

I arrived, the office is n-i-c-e! Mahogany trim and brass door handles etc. The staff is majorly cool and organized. They were quite patient and complimentary about my skills. - Made me feel so good, after that interview, this day was nearly perfect - if only the weather would cooperate. *sigh* It's futile I know ~ Tuesday 12/21 is the first day of Winter 2004.

Can't wait to go on holiday on the 24th of this month, just need some space and a change of scenery.

The waiting was really beginning to wear on me, and I can't have that, so I sent Boo a rudimentary but polite email letting him know when I return from holiday we need some face time.

He was very understanding about it, in the way that only a man can be - read: not asking introspective questions, not fishing for "whys" and "how comes" et al., ...

This may be the easiest break up ever!

After work today I got myself and Mw a tall order of Lobster Bisque - was feeling a bit indulgent and in need of a celebration - for now the bisque will have to do - until our holiday begins!...

Got an email from my best/sisterfriend T, she's gonna be in the area until 1/13 and hopefully we will be able to hook up and talk/share a meal and hang out. I miss her so much (she & her husband reside in Northern Florida).

Windchill today registered -9, had me entertaining all sorts of thoughts about grad school in a warm locale...I can be very naughty, and it doesn't seem to take much these days...

Oh yeah, meant to mention it, I got straight A's this semester - am on the President's List & Dean's List. I am thinking that when the school recalculates my cumulative GPA I'll be at a 4.0. That rocks!

Am I allowed to say I rock! (without sounding arrogant and conceited?)

Well today has been more than this lil brown grrrl could ever ask for, so I'm off to bed with a smile on my face.

I've got to get up at 4 a.m. in order to fix my breakfast, lunch and snack, get myself showered and dressed and hit the subway, the Georgetowne shuttle and then a short walk to the client's office.

...They hinted they may want me to work all this week, I want the money but dag this wind in Georgetowne is wearing a sistah out.

Guten Nacht meine Leibe,
My Serta Perfect is calling my name and I've got to comply.

Until Tuesday!


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