8:19 a.m. - 2004-11-13

Last night my boo called while I was ironing that mountain of clothing in the den. I was also trying to watch the film "Why Do Fools Fall in Love" the story of Frankie Lymon to distract myself from just how much ironing work waited for me.

I managed to get approximately 1/3 of the way through and wash 1 load of laundry (not much I know), when Boo called and asked if I could be there to support him tonight before his gig.

Sure I could do that.

I finished up ironing and got myself together. I found myself out in the rain, driving in the district and helping him set up. We had a little q.t. before his gig, and off I sent him.

I stopped by Wendy's, you know, where you can "eat great, even late." then headed home. I watched the end of Frankie Lymon (literally), and then got into the bed.

I awoke, placed a call to Boo to check to see how the gig went last night (he asked me not to come to this first one, and I honored his request), and am now needing to get myself ready to go get my flu shot (I'm not bragging, about either the shot or the fact that I seem to have a decent man in my life who has no problem saying "Baby I need your support." - honestly I'm not).

I just now realized that my cell phone won't hold correct time. Sheez what's up now? I sooo don't want to go to the mall just to have this crap fixed. RRR

Hi ho, hi ho, its off to KP for the flu shot I go!...

Edit: 1628hrs. when I arrived at KP for the flu shot, I was told the average wait time was approx. 2 hrs. +. That was unacceptable because I had a SHRM meeting to attend. I decided to head home, eat then wait until the appointed time and pick up my classmate "S.t." She is terrific company and with her ride-sharing the drive was much more interesting and a lot less like work.

After I dropped "S.t." off at her apt. I tried once more to get my shot. The security guard recognized me and asked if I was there to get a 2nd shot, he laughed and I laughed, he was too cute, you had to be there. 2nd go round waiting took 30 mins. Most of that time was spent sitting waiting for my name to be called, and me having to get dressed again after I'd exposed my left arm for the actual shot.

While I waited for my shot, the triage nurse took my temp with a device placed into my ear. She should've warned me that it would intrude into my outer ear and make a pop sound, the gadget almost made me pee myself. I looked at her with an expression that let her know she surprised me and that I didn't appreciate it.

Aside from that I felt a slight puncture when the shot was administered but I think other than that I'm gonna live.

Boo is away in Fredericksburg, VA with a choir singing at a church. Not likely that I'll get to see him today, and slim chances of same tomorrow.


I miss him already...

Time to go eat...I don't want to fall out from malnurishment.

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