6:34 p.m. - 2005-06-06

I've been away for a bit.

Spent 4 days in California, traveled to Santa Barbara, San Diego, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Westwood, West Hollywood and Tijuana Mexico, I almost forgot we got to see the amazing Coast line on PCH (Pacific Coastal Highway aka Highway "5") also.

After that I spent 3 days in Tucson Arizona.

The heat in AZ was intense but it was not humid so it was bearable for me, believe it or not.

I completely fell in love with Santa Barbara. So much so that I was crying in the airport when it was time to fly back to Maryland.

So, while there for my *dazzling twin's* graduation from her Master's prgram, we soaked up the sun rays and had ourselves a ball.

Meanwhile the job offers poured in, on my cell phone.

Ironic how timing works.

I can't complain though.

I managed to land myself a gig, it is a 6 month contract gig, paying a good deal of money, and has a decent bonus structure attached.

I've sourced 7 candidates, hired 0. This week I've got another 18 candidates sourced and we'll see how this all plays out for next week. The company's hiring process takes 2 weeks, so you figure that kinda pushes me into a lower bonus each week by the way the incentive plan is structured. That's cool though because more than anything this represents a chance for me to really test my skills, and learn as much as I possibly can, while adding yet another facet of recruiting into my illustrious c.v.

So work is cool, I have my own office. I keep my door closed most of the time b/c I'm on the phone with prospective candidates. It is not professional for a candidate to ask you why is there so much laughter, talking and singing in the background when in the process of asking serious questions to screen or qualify the candidate.

Nevertheless, I did get "talked to" about my door being closed. HR is supposed to have that air of an "open door" policy, however I don't want to appear unprofessional, nor do I want to keep asking my candidates to repeat what was just said either.

I may have lost the war, but I think I won the battle, using logic and appealing to reason.

When not on the phone, I open my office door. That's my compromise and it seems easy enough.

Got a name tag today for the outside of my office. Turns out there are 3 of us there named "Souljourn". Funny too because 2 of us spell it the same while the 3rd spells it some what differently. Oh well...

Busy trying to go through boxes of my belongings which were removed from storage nearly 3 wks. ago. I have not had the desire to deal with these boxes to be honest. I did clear out the entire upstairs however, so that is 1 thing to my credit.

I also assembled a new 4 chair & table set in the kitchen for Mw, just need to insert screws into the chairs and that will be good to go.

Okay I need to get off of this machine and get my cardio work out in.

I managed to loose 1.5lbs. & 1% bodyfat the first week at the office. Not a lot but I did make it my business to walk the stairs at least once per day. Some days I was up to 6 times. Really encouraging.

Well I'm off!

Graduation is on the 18th. My birth mother is coming in town. That spells high drama.

It is going to be a test of wits around here. There are people who love me and support me who won't tolerate mother's antics. I sure hope she's on her "Sunday-go-to-church" behavior, otherwise she's about to really find out.

Night all!

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