5:31 p.m. - 2004-05-12

I took the day off today, to go to an interview.

I have another interview tomorrow and 2 on Friday evening after my Sociology class.

Today while accomplishing a great deal I began thinking to myself, "Self, why not just put in your notice, you have a hefty savings, and an ample checking account to fall back on, if need be. Why continue to dread waking up and facing the day, and sitting in an office for 8 hours while being mistreated, and talked down to?"

Then I asked myself what was I afraid of?...Quitting? Not being employed? Not being able to find another job? Having more time for myself and not having a daily plan to carry out?

Then I answered each of these objections:

1. Either you quit/resign or you harm someone and go to jail. (Besides how many more upset stomachs and mouth ulcers do you need to have before you take action on your own behalf?!).

2. Unemployment for you will be short term, because you have highly marketable skills having worked in such varigated industries.

3. When all else fails, call the temp agency! They have always been able to find me work, when I relocated with my parents (both of whom served Active Duty in the US Army).

4. I would have time to SLEEP, EAT, EXERCISE, and STUDY without having to operate a moment longer as an apneic 40 hour per week corporate borg/android/robot.

5. I would be supreme ruler and commander of my own collective: ME!

I'm thinking it over in my head, the words I need to use for my resignation letter. I don't have anything positive to say, but I must write something proper. (Merely because some select individuals sunk below the level of paramecium and ameoba does not mean I will do likewise). I do afterall have morals, values and above all standards.

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Meanwhile, here in the souljourn household we do not have a/c. The compressor is broken. I purchased 2 fans today and have same running, along with every single ceiling fan in the house. I pray this does cool the house down. Mind you I'm not complaining 1 iota about the heat, as there are folks in other countries who have never even heard of air conditioning.

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Last night, I stopped at Exxon to get fuel for The Green Machine. I nearly fainted when I saw the price per gallon for 87 octane "low test" as some refer to it...$1.98

A spokesperson at The American Automobile Club was quote as saying that according to a survey they completed average gas prices will remain at $1.87 per gallon. Eh hem, Mr. Spokesman, I believe your survey is either in error or obsolete.

The evening news is reporting that gas is over $2.00 in some more affluent areas of Northern Virginia, and summer travel will not be impacted by it in the least.

Something needs to be done about the foreign policy situation, to include the war and other military action in this country.

The price of gas and grocery items needs to be stabilized like yesterday. (A dozen and 1/2 of eggs was priced in Safeway, at $3.12! Over $3 for eggs? I decided the eggs could stay at Safeway I'll do without egg whites for the next couple weeks until I absolutely have to have them.)

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My Grannie B when she was alive would often say "What is this world coming to? Lawd I tell yuh..."

I find myself echoing her sentiments daily.

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