12:08 p.m. - 2002-10-30


The �Me� you see, is so carefree.

Young, nimble, agile, bright, vibrant, fortunate to be


I bid you, I beseech you, step into this room,

Yes, into this room, the one, filled with abundance of dark and doom, and gloom.

The �Me� you see,

You know, the one � that�s so carefree,

laughing in the rays of sunshine,

Come here, come here,

See if you can read my mind.

The �Me�, You see,

Can you See,

That She,

Oh that She

She did NOT live so carefree?

Do You,

Did You

Do YOU see

That line,

oh so fine,

the very fine line

where She

nearly lost

all she called mine?

Do you

Did you

see the �me� that�s so carefree?
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