9:58 p.m. - 2004-04-04
"H.Refs" and a lot of Digression

Here's a question of the ages...

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootise Pop?

Answer: 3 licks; 1 bite.

The t.v. commerical always says "3" but never counts the bite that the owl takes out of the lolly.

What's my point?

I don't have one honestly.

What I would like to know, *drum roll please*, is what is a hidden referrer?

And why in the known universe is someone using that hidden -ish to read me?

If any of you can help me, or let me know if it is even possible to block an "h.ref." please email me, I'd be ever so grateful.

For the record I think its a creepy thing to go and do. Sicko...

Okay back to our regularly scheduled program kiddies, after a word from our sponsor...

* * *

I had the opportunity to speak with My Dazzling Twin today. She made my day. I needed to hear her voice, to be absolutely certain she was and is okay. She and her fam have been in my prayers the last couple weeks, as they will continue to be.

I needed that human contact to be 100% certain my girl was doing well. - She's 1 tough cookie.

* * *

After having attended church today with Mw, we setteled in for a bit of relaxing.

I opted to do laundry, and a bit of puttering around the house.

Later we visited my *play* sister-in-law, brother-in-law and their children - (Who1, Who2, Who3 and Who4). SIL and BIL are headed to the enchanted, romantic, beautifully breath taking, magical, mystical island of Hawaii.

That last phrase has me conjuring up images of Tatoo and Mr. Rourke, the white suits and hoola girls and the whole 9...

I loved that show (Fantasy Island).

I digress...forgive me.

* * *

Mw and I went to 3 different grocery stores, shopping and looking. I don't know about you, but the grocery store qualifies as an outing - I do so love looking at the different kinds of food. Each trip seems like a mini journey to a distant land.

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On the way home, we marveled at how much "extra daylight" we had today, and confessed to one another that we are gonna be grumps until our bodies adjust to the actual change in time.

The island my father lives on - Grand Cayman - does not adjust their time. There is no need to. Why can't we be like them?

I tell you in this instance (and many others, we just aren't going to examine them all here, tonight), The Brits know what they are doing!!! What's with the rest of us?

As my deceased Grannie B would say "eh eh, mus - e - be - haunted - or wah?"

Yes, we MUST be haunted.

Titivating with time back and forth, forth and back for what? Sike-ing ourselves into a frenzy, wreaking havoc only to have to "fall back" once the Fall Season is upon us.

Again, I digress.

* * *

Benadryl Sinus meds are kicking in.

Night night chickadees. Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite, take a bite outta crime - (says McGruff the Crime Dog)

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