4:00 a.m. - 2003-08-27
Good Food, Great Friends, and well You�ll know the rest�

Big Ant* made it into town last night after driving for 10 hours non-stop, from Atlanta. *Yay!*

By the time his Football Extravaganza road trip is over, he will have visited or driven through 8 states � I think. What a life!!! He has friends in nearly every state, he�s making a make a stop in. What kind of dreamy job gives you the opportunity to save THAT much leave time?�The kind of dreamy job that I DON�T HAVE � that�s what. *sigh*

Before I get sidetracked...Yesterday afternoon we had storms like we�ve never had storms. Over 27,000 households left without power. We were among them, as was the hotel Big Ant is staying in. :-(

When you have lemons make lemonade�

Fortunately the rains cleared, traffic was remarkable, and the sun was trying to shine. I managed to pick Big Ant up, off we went to Asean Bistro. Jesse Wong, the owner was not there, nor was our favorite waiter. Last night�s staff honestly did the very best they were capable of; however there is a HUGE difference when Jesse W. and a certain young male hottie waiter are absent. The food was completely on point (as always), I picked up the tab, as a gesture of thanks to Big Ant for all he�s been to me, these past 2 yrs. and well as Soren* and the kids.

Those of you who know me in real life would have been so proud of me. I didn�t monopolize all the talk time. I sat while Soren*, Zach* and Ant* talked. Ari* and I played at the table and talked about her first day of school. She had homework the first day. School systems are not playing with students at all this year.

While Ant and I drove to the restaurant, I managed to surprise him, with 2 gifts; which were actually late, b/c they were supposed to have been his birthday presents. I�d felt badly I was not able to ship them to him in time, but his endless smiles, and other little facial expressions, along with his cute comments about my using Jimmy Neutron wrapping paper more than made up for my mini guilt trip. Mental note to self: Stop wasting rotten frotten time with dumb guilt trips. Duh �Becca, get with the program ALREADY�

* * *

Yesterday I realized that I�ve grown and changed a bit and it�s all for the better. I read an email, got upset, sat for a moment, then shook it all off. REAL Life was waiting for me. In the grand scheme of all that is happening right now, I could have cared less; as it made absolutely no impact.

The little voice in my head kept saying �DON�T sweat the small stuff. After all that�s why its small stuff.�

Yay for me. Personal progress is such a grand thing!

* * *

Into my already over crowded and unbalanced schedule of life, I�ve added helping someone, b/c there is financial compensation involved, right now I need every EXTRA cent I can earn. For a moment I�d felt a twinge of �something�, then decided it was hunger pangs, and moved on.

While trying to fall asleep last night, I kept thinking whether it was immoral for me to be paid for my writing, resources and organizing expertise?...This mulling over, made me remember what Prof. Lawler* had said in an earlier class..�never give away for FREE, or sell short those talents and skills you posses, that others would assign value to, and moreover COMPENSATE you fairly for.� Dang that! I came to an understanding, there�s absolutely nothing wrong with ME being compensated for my natural talents. I will be using my own words, thoughts and time to do these special projects. I also will charge what I believe is a fair price. My conscience or pesky rotten frotten inner voice can now take a 5 and do some jumping jacks or crunches; since she�s so taken with �doing good�. She may as well be helping ME since I want 6 pack Abs � afterall whose dang team is she on?!!!

Rotten frotten dumb inner voice. Stay on task, and help ME out where you see I need helping out�Dang! How often do I ever ask YOU for anything?!

During all that, I had to virtually shake myself, b/c there�s no one here to shake me, and deliver me a �talking to�.

I am studying for Final Exams, *sigh* writing my own Final Papers *sigh* and along comes an entrepreneurial opportunity *sigh*. What is wrong with ME!?!

You know�Sometimes I wish I could, punch my little inner voice dead it its mouth. Riggin friggin do gooder, would have me in the poor house trying to do everything FREE. *sigh* See how sad my own life is?�I�m threatening to go postal on myself.

Pray for me, I need it.

* * *

My eyes are blood shot, and have been since last week, my allergies are going hay wire, Big Ant is in town, and I�ll give you 1 guess which sleep deprived, red eyed, Co-ed is planning on dancing her feet off tonight, at liquid Wednesdays?�stay tuned for tips on how to look like you are wide awake at work, when you really are just a walking zombie hologram.

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