11:59 p.m. - 2003-06-13
Daughter of the Year, Judas-ing & Wanna Go On A Trip With Me?!

I was totally unable to post this because I kept getting a �server busy� message. I am a Super Gold Member, I have no idea what is up, and I didn�t have time to even bother emailing Andrew or Sammy. Here�s my update 4 days late. My apologies ya�ll�

I am of the opinion, that It is tacky to nominate one�s self for an award. That being said, however I feel and my friend Big Ant concurs, that I should be a major contendah for the coveted �Daughter of the Year�. I�m unashamed to admit that I am a huge Daddy�s girl.

I have been up taping Bollywood films and securing Ghazals, for my dad�s CD collection. I know Father�s Day is Sunday the 15th. My gift will be after the holiday.

The point of my efforts and my deservance (is that even a word?!) of this award is the point that he mentioned the music and films, in passing in a convo we had a while back. Please note that I am quite capable of remembering what I want, when I want (heh heh).

As a result of this convo, I�ve been pulling double duty getting this stuff in order for him. Man is he going to be surprised and happy.

So now what?!...YOU! Yeah You Judges out there, yeah you know who you are, remember to vote only for me, for �Daughter of the Year� Award YouGetWhatI�mSayingRight?! Udderwise there�ll be consequences and repercussions.

Upon acceptance of my award, I�ll come by and mix unlimited top shelf drinks for you, and feed you my Indian cooking. Mind you I have never cooked Indian food for nobody ever.

Seriously, as a result of playing production specialist all night, I didn�t have enough time or energy to pack my food. Yeah my program food. Lemme tell you one thing, its dang near impossible to remain focused, smile all day and be polite when your body is screaming for food.

Truth is, I am breaking down in a major way, and before I go any further, I�d like to introduce you all to my significant other, �Food�. �Food� meet my online diary friends. Okay now that you all have formally been introduced, don�t flip out and don�t email me anything about I think, dream, or anything of the sort too much yada yada this and that about food. That is one subject that ain�t up for discussion. I love to cook, I think about recipes and food all the time. Yes, the grocery store IS one of my favorite hangouts and What�sItToYa?! *Do you see how somebody is acting? All because she didn�t have enough of the right program foods to eat today?� ForCryinOutLoudAlready!!!

Eh hem, any how I�m within my calories and fat grams today, and you KNOW I�m sitting in my office right now thinking about Judas-ing with a bowl of Crab and Lobster bisque at Jasper�s. Yeah I said Judas-ing. Naw, it�s not my word, DenisC gets the creative credit for making it up � me?! - I�ve got exclusive carte blanche, from him to wear it out.

Today�s prattle brings me to this; anybody wanna take a trip with me? I don�t mean dropping tabs of acid, or eating magic �shrooms, or hashbrownies either. Nasty, demented, tripped out hooligans, get a hold of yourselves and put an end to this buffoonery. I meant accompany me on a journey. I need a chaperone. I�m going bonkers, I didn�t get my field trip permission slipped signed and the more I think about it, I don�t think I�m allowed to go alone.

Back to reality boys and girls, this weekend I�ll be training intensely. I pray the rain stops, its only increasing my BBQ (bonkers buffoonery quotient), long enough for me to get some cardio in. I need it in the worst way, I�m coming undone, unraveling, losing my grasp � you get the picture don�tcha?

On a very real note, I need a vacation, or in the very least a couple days away all to myself. I�m headed to the Big Apple Friday the 20th. I�ve got one phrase playing in my head��Friday can�t get here soon enough�. Ain�tDatDaTruth.

Ya�ll have a great weekend. East coasters stay dry and out of the lightening storms.

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