4:12 p.m. - 2003-10-23

I'm sitting in my office with my coat on. We had flurries this morning. The sky is gray, it's cold outside. Somehow I think Mother Nature sent Maryland's weather to Trinity63 and sent us her weather. Trin! come get this flin flarn cold weather!!

I got home late last night and fell into bed. I awoke this a.m. unable to get out of bed. I set my clock for another hour. I awoke, cleaned, organized and packed my bags.

My throat felt fine then. That was 0500hrs.

It's now 1612hrs (EST) and the left side of my throat is sore and the glands in my neck on that same side are enlarged.


I've been ripping and running, I'm mentally and physically exhausted and now my body wants to conk out on me.

I've got 1,149 minutes before I touch down on the island. All I have to do is stay healthy until I can bask in the sunshine where I belong.

...Is there a doctor in the house?!

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