11:28 a.m. - 2004-11-12

Dinner last night was his choice Chick-fil-a . Afterwards I manicured his nails and trimmed his eyebrows. He was a bit hesitant about the brows so I trimmed one, then let him look, then trimmed the other. In the end he was all smiles and telling every person who called him on his cell phone. It was cute, you just had to be there.

I met his mom and dad, I got clear indications that his dad really liked me. His mom was pleasant and cordial. Looks promising...

Last night he did a dry run of his set for tonight's gig. He surprised me with a song he'd learned just for me. *sweet*

Last night while driving home alone with my thoughts, I realized how loved and admired he is. I'm a lucky and blessed woman to be involved with a man whose life is truly in balance, and he's ready for a woman like me in his life.

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